Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Dangers of Fast Food Fact

If you eat fast food and you stop eating it, you actually go through withdrawal symptoms. It's like a drug. Not only that, the preservative is very high in fast food burgers these days that the product was not even damaged. Fast food has been linked to the increase in obesity in adults and children.

65% of American adults are overweight
30% of Americans obese

In the last twenty years, the rate of obesity has doubled in children and tripled in teens and adolescents.
In September 2004, nine million American children between the ages of six and eighteen obese.

A KILLER Obesity-related disease will kill about 400,000 Americans this year - almost the same with smoking. America has gotten so big that they must supersized coffin!

Related diseases caused by obesity:

High Cholesterol
High blood pressure
Heart disease
Breast Cancer

Center for Disease Control and Prevention reported that one in three children born in America in 2000 will develop type 2 diabetes. Ten-year life of a child who has type II diabetes will, on average, between seventeen and twenty-six years shorter than healthy children. Diabetes can cause heart attacks, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage in the lower legs which can lead to amputation.

In 2004, Americans spend $ 124,000,000,000 dollars on fast food. In the same year, The American Journal of Preventive Medicine published a study showing that the percentage of calories of fast food in the American diet has increased from 3 percent to 12 percent during the last twenty years.

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